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Giving Something Back Programme: Introduction and 2021 Update

Bibby Line Group // 26th May 2021

The Bibby Line Group Giving Something Back Programme supports colleagues across our Group to make a difference to the charities they are passionate about.

It’s open to colleagues in Bibby Financial Services, Bibby Marine, Garic and Head Office.

We know our colleagues are always keen to give back to communities. However, over the last year it’s not been as easy for any us to do fundraising and take part in charity events.

With restrictions easing, there will hopefully be a lot more opportunities to take part and now is the perfect time to remind everyone about the programme.

This quick video gives you an introduction and reminder of what our award-winning GSB Programme is about as well as way to get involved in2021:

Here’s a summary of how you can get involved:

  • Match funding – If you raise money for charity e.g. as part in a fun run, or organizing a raffle, or cake sale BLG will match the money you raise up to a certain amount. Everyone has an allowance of £500 per event and £1000 per year
  • Give as you earn – You may want to donate a regular amount every month directly through your salary. And again BLG will match this, capped at £10 a month. Give as You earn or ‘Payroll Giving’ is a great tax-free way to boost your monthly charity donation
  • Central events – this year we are taking part in Trekfest, which is a fantastic weekend trekking experience open to all colleagues. Along with other companies, we are setting out to conquer the stunning Brecon Beacons. We have funded places available, and we are inviting colleagues across the Group unite under the Bibby flag and complete the trek together
  • Volunteering – BLG signposts ideas and these are usually arranged at local and company level

All the latest information is available at 


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