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Garic offer colleagues innovative way to Give Something Back through ‘Operation Charity Day’!

Bibby Line Group // 12th January 2021

In 2020, our colleagues at Garic launched their new initiative to help give something back to their communities.

Colleagues are invited to take either their birthday off as an extra day’s annual leave or take the day to volunteer for a charitable cause. Despite the world turning upside down throughout 2020, a number of colleagues opted to give something back and spend their day with a charity.

Most recently, it was Filed Maintenance Support Manager, Barrie Ashcroft. The charity of his choice was the Bolton branch of the RSPCA, which is very close to Barrie’s heart, and where he spends a lot of his time helping out behind the scenes. This time though, he was able to help out in the surgical theatre.

This particular day the vet and his team had 11 operations to perform and 45 consultations on pets that belonged to low-income families. The RSPCA offers these families the chance to come in and get their pets neutered or receive the medical help needed, which the owners otherwise couldn’t afford.

Barrie was allowed to help out in surgery where all the operations were taking place and the vet took the time to go through all the equipment he uses for each procedure and the importance of neutering, so he learnt a great deal too.

When asked what the most enjoyable part of the day was, Barrie admitted it was the real rollercoaster of emotions he faced. There were downsides dealing with animals that clearly needed help, where owners have been struggling financially and didn’t know where to turn. However, it was so uplifting to be able to help out with the animals that needed it and with owners that were so grateful for the support.

Barrie also felt being able to volunteer and participate by Giving Something Back was such a positive opportunity. Acknowledging that by taking a day off work for his birthday, he would never have achieved anything as worthwhile.


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