Looking for a career within Bibby Line Group?

Bibby Line Group Head Office Contact

Please only contact us if your enquiry relates to Bibby Line Group Head Office.

If you have an enquiry relating to Bibby Financial Services or Bibby Marine please contact them direct.

If your enquiry is regarding Bibby Line Ltd, please note this is a dormant company and any queries in connection with legacy matters can be directed to the Company Secretarial Team.

If you have a specific question about Bibby Line Group, that is not answered in the FAQ below, please complete the form below and include your company name where applicable.

If you have a media enquiry please contact Citypress on T: 0161 235 0300 or E: BLG (@) citypress.co.uk

For details on how we use this information, please visit our Privacy Policy

Bibby Line Group
3rd Floor
Walker House
Liverpool, UK
L2 3YL

Location Map

Frequently Asked Questions

I have a question about one of your divisions (e.g. Bibby Marine)?

Please only contact us if your enquiry relates to Bibby Line Group Head Office. If you have an enquiry relating to Bibby Financial Services or Bibby Marine please contact them direct (links above).

I have a question about Bibby Line Ltd, who should I speak to?

Bibby Line Ltd (our historic shipping subsidiary) is a dormant company and any queries in connection with legacy matters can be directed to the Company Secretarial Team. Please fill in the Contact Form on this page.

How do I apply for a job at one of Bibby Line Group’s companies?

Take a look at our Careers page for links to the company. If you wish to apply for a job at Bibby Line Group, you can send us a CV and we will pass it on to the relevant department.

Someone from Bibby has been in touch offering me a job without interview. is this legitimate?

Currently, we are aware of a website calling themselves "Bibby Line Shipping" which advertises a worldwide vehicle transportation service. This company is not a part of, and has no connection to, the Bibby Line Group. ActionFraud UK is aware of this matter and any relevant information should be passed on to them accordingly.

How do I apply for a job on one of your ships?

Bibby Ship Management was sold to V.Group in March 2016 and we don’t organise recruitment. Please see their careers page for further information http://www.vgrouplimited.com/careers.aspx

How do I find more about the history of Bibby Line Group?

We have a brief history of the company on 'Our Story' tab. We do not have access to any records as we have passed these over to the Mersey Maritime Museum. For specific records, we suggest you contact them.

Where can I find your annual report?

You can view our annual report on the 'Financial Information' page under 'About Us'.

Beware of Fraud

Occasionally the Bibby name and logo have been misused by people unconnected to Bibby Line Group for fraudulent purposes. We take these matters seriously and pass on to the appropriate regulatory and police authorities to investigate. If you receive any communication that looks suspicious or you feel you may have been a victim of fraud involving the Bibby name or logo, please report it using the form above

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