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Giving Something Back

This section is for Bibby Line Group employees. To return to the main website, click here.


What is my annual match funding allowance?

Employees are entitled to a £1,000 match per event, capped at £2,000 per year, as well as each office also having their own allocation for collective events. You can complete several smaller events over the year, or two large events hitting the full £2,000 match.

Can anyone take part in the Giving Something Back Programme?

You must be an employee of Bibby Line Group or one of its divisions. These include Bibby Marine, Bibby Financial Services and Garic.

My daughter is taking part in a charity event at school, can I get what she raises matched?

No, as the match funding is for employees only, the fundraising activity must be undertaken by the employee themselves. If however you wished to hold a cake sale in your office (for example), raising funds to support the same charity your daughter is, Bibby Line Group can match this money, requesting that the charity allocate the funds to her ‘pot’.

I want to raise funds for my favourite charity by carrying out a parachute jump, does this qualify for match funding?

Yes, any type of fundraising activity you’re involved in can qualify for match funding as long as it is legal and funds are raised for a registered charity or charitable organisation. The cost of the jump can come out of the match funding IF 50% or more of your overall total is going to charity. For example, the jump costs £200 if you raise £250 Bibby Line Group will match this to £500, taking off the £200 for costs, leaving £300 for charity. You must contact the GSB team to authorise this process a month before the event is due to take place.

I’m holding an event and want to raise funds for more than one charity, can I do this?

Yes, once you come to complete your match request form select your charities and state the amounts (not including match) you want going to each charity.

I have sent my money to my charity but forgotten to complete a match request form, what do I do?

Don’t worry, if the charity can still provide you with the viable evidence that you took part in the fundraising activity, along with a receipt of your funds hitting their bank account, you can still apply. Please bear in mind if the event took place the previous year, then match funding will come out of your allowance for the current year.

When will my charity receive their money?

A BACS payment will be sent to your chosen charity about 4-6 weeks after your match request form has been processed. Charities Trust complete one payment run each month (around the 15th), with all claims due in before the last working day of the previous month.

The Bibby Line Group Payroll Giving scheme states it will match my donation each month.

Yes, for all UK employees, Bibby Line Group has been applying up to £20 match per month on top of what you donate to your chosen charity through your salary before tax. This currently excludes Garic colleagues, although plans are in place to bring them onboard in 2022.

My local hospital is running an appeal for a new scanner; would this be excluded from matching?

No, not as long as the hospital is a registered charity with a charity number or tax exemption number.

My village is holding a fun day to raise funds to send one of the residents to America for an operation, will Bibby Line Group match this?

No, unfortunately not. We cannot donate funds to individuals. The money must go to a registered charity.

I have raised £100, does this mean that with Gift Aid of 28% and match funding I will receive £228 for my charity? (UK employees only).

Not necessarily, Gift Aid claims take about 6-8 weeks so the total funds your charity will receive initially will be for double the amount that you’ve raised (£200). Any Gift Aid applicable will be claimed and held by your charity, once you have sent your sponsorship forms to them direct.

If all of my sponsors have ticked the Gift Aid box on my sponsor form does that mean I will get the full 28%? (UK employees only).

Not necessarily, not all Gift Aid claims are authorised, this is for many reasons, the person may not have paid enough tax, may have paid using a charity cheque that has been deducted from their salary pre-tax and doesn’t qualify, or may have given the wrong address or postcode. Your charity will claim as much Gift Aid as possible and will ensure that this is returned to them at the end of the year when your fundraising is complete.